One of my charges as a teacher of Theatre History is to cover the birth of theatre and the story of the Greeks in the early weeks. After all this art did begin in the rocky hills – – or did it??? For years I have kept this huge historical find a secret, reluctant to share it with the rest of the civilized world. Perhaps I thought I was due some finder’s fee, but alas that was not to be. copywright money coming my way – – but I guess not. So now my academic find is up for your consideration.
Cue the pretentious academic music.
This play which has been passed down from generation to generation since man stood on two feet. It has been celebrated on every continent with every culture. This most primitive play explores the very nature of existance and the possibilites and probabilites of existance beyond what we are able to feel and see. It speaks of our desperate need for relationship and the unimaginable existential nightmare of a life without connection. It is told in screams and giggles. Blood rushes cold and joy bubbles (however joy bubbles, I guess)
More shockingly, YOU have witnessed this play. You perhaps have even become an actor for this ancient text. And that portentous text is titled: Read more