Today I was asked the reason theatre folk are always getting flowers for performances. It does not seem to matter whether they are male or female. Actors are all expecting flowers, and parents are all taking detours to Publix Grocery Store on the way to the show to rifle through their bins of flowers to find the right bouquet.
What’s up with the flowers? Here is my response. I preface this by saying I don’t know the ANSWER to this question. As I have admitted before in these blogs, I really don’t have more then a handful of answers that I feel would have any credence, and those few answers that I do have have – have long ago lost their accompanying question like a drip pan without a pot What I have are “musings.” Lots of musings. I think if teachers were honest they would admit that thier days contains very few real answers. We muse. We are musing. Amusing sometimes, but musing for sure. Read more