In this increasingly political time of year, all eyes are on the Presidential Election and the assembly of power around this office. Markets are having a tough time around the world. China and Greece are loosing a financial foothold each and every day. Scandal after scandal fills the newspaper. Who will be President? Who? Who?
My mind is not usually circling around these ideas. At this time of year, I am actually spending more time finding the right grouping of monologues to send our best seniors out into the world of college auditions. Global calamity or the overused monologue??? Tough.
But, in the midst of my search I FOUND AN ANSWER – – not a musing – – but a bonafide, honest to God, ANSWER. For a teacher who claims, in a potentially arrogant way, that I only deal with questions I have found an answer – – and an answer not to just any old question – – but I found the answer to the question, “Who is the most powerful person in the world?”!!!
Wait, more precedes the answer. Read more