Daily Archives: September 29, 2015

Or Not

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UnknownI have two lines that I LOVE to use to torment my Company. The first of these lines is, “That says something very interesting about you.” The second line and subject of today’s blog is, “Or not.” Here’s my thinking behind these maddening, seemingly worthless quips:

One of the challenges of any monologue is that you hit that wall. Everything was building and growing and then it just stopped. Now everything is understandable, clear, logical, and inhumanly dull, and, worse yet, predictable! The moment I can predict the next moment then the moment that we are currenly in falls flat. The only thing that makes the current moment of interest is the impossibility of knowing the next. How can the “right scene” become the “interesting scene”? How can “correct” become the “compelling”? How can the “safe” become the “dangerous”? One tool is “Or Not”.

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