Daily Archives: October 2, 2015

It Flirts

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i_was_born_to_flirt_button-p145287288051478448z745k_400One tough question to wrestle in acting class every year is the “it” factor. Entire shows have based on the “It Factor”. We all know it exists. It is quite easy to see someone work on stage and say, “She has it.” “She doesn’t have it.” We also know that they with “it” didn’t have to work for “it.” And those that don’t have “it” will never be able to work for “it.” We also know that the more you work for “it” the less likely you are to find “it.” Often it is given to the lazy and denied to the industrious. “It” has never been fair and never does it make sense. BUT people with “it” will go further and faster. Read more