In the late spring I always end of picking the show that I will be directing in April of the following year. Then I somewhat drag that script with me through all of the summer months – on vacation, to the pool, even to NYC to see some theatre. I put it in a very nice binder and carry it with me everywhere. BUT I often spend the time just hiking it around promising myself to give it an hour or two but that hour or two just never happens. It reminds me of the time in high school when as a trombone player I would drag that big ass instrument home every blessed night, toss it in the corner of my bedroom and stare at it with guilt only while the commercials were playing on my bedroom TV. And this behavior didn’t just go on for a week or two – – it happened for four full years. Dragging it home nightly was never going to make me a musician only a guy with one arm much longer then the other! Read more