Monthly Archives: October 2015

From Broadway to Hallway

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UnknownI stole his his peanuts. They gave me only 2 packets. They gave him 2 packets. He was asleep. He didn’t want those peanuts. For all I know, he could have been allergic to those peanuts. He could have died if I did not intervene! I stole those peanuts. Then I couldn’t open the damn things. Why do airlines always buy those mini packet of peanuts that cannot be opened for all the biting and tugging you do? Those peanuts and two quick hours on a Delta flight and I am back to Hallway from Broadway.

Students, well meaning that they are, often work to flatter me by saying what you are doing in Jacksonville and what are you doing in high school when what you should be doing is teaching in a college or working in New York City. They flatter for sure! Read more

Heading to NYC

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New_York_City_13[1]I am off and running today to the center of the universe.  Thespis (and my husband) have been kind to me and gotten plane tickets for one of my best friends and me to have an early birthday weekend in NYC.  I will be seeing ONLY 4 shows there in this very brief weekend.  Thus I will not be back to Theatre Class Addict blog until Monday, October 12th

BUT check out my sister site, for a full response to plays I see.  Here’s to a theatrical weekend for all!

Loser Susan

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Ith am going to owe one big apology to the Duval County School system when I retire. For years, I have been using the phrase “Loser Susan” as my catch phrase for the worst possible actor.   Blessedly, I have NEVER, to the best of my knowledge, ever never had a student named Susan in my class.   I use the name of “Loser Susan” to capture any actor who doesn’t prepare, can’t be heard, avoids the audience, says “no” to the improvisation, does not get their character analysis done, won’t return any fieldtrip form on time, whines more then they work, and has more excuses then brains. I am full out cruel when it comes to talking about Susan. And to all of the Susan’s out there in the world, I wholehearted apologize.

If I do ever get some free time in retirement and a couple thousand dollars laying around unused – – then I might consider exploring my “Susan of origin”.  Perhaps I was threatened by some clown or witch named Susan in my days spent in the crib. Read more

Tennis Anyone?

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imagesThe very best way to get better at your craft is for you to work with people better then you. You’ll never get better at tennis if you insist upon playing with people at your own skill level. Too often actors are afraid that if they play a scene with someone better or more advanced then they are – – that they will look weak in comparison. Not true. If your acting partner is genuinely more advanced then you – – they will raise your ability to create communion. They will make you shine. All stress and all stage fright will disappear as this superior actor works to hold your full presence. It will be both a relief and an inspiration to work with them. My advice to actors is to find the most talented member in the company and do what ever it takes (bake cookies, do their homework, clean their car) to convince them to play off of you for the audition. Read more

It Flirts

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i_was_born_to_flirt_button-p145287288051478448z745k_400One tough question to wrestle in acting class every year is the “it” factor. Entire shows have based on the “It Factor”. We all know it exists. It is quite easy to see someone work on stage and say, “She has it.” “She doesn’t have it.” We also know that they with “it” didn’t have to work for “it.” And those that don’t have “it” will never be able to work for “it.” We also know that the more you work for “it” the less likely you are to find “it.” Often it is given to the lazy and denied to the industrious. “It” has never been fair and never does it make sense. BUT people with “it” will go further and faster. Read more