For someone who loves and values questions, I have been lately struck by a terrible question that I have poised for too many years. When an actor finishs a scene, I was previously inclined to ask them, “How did it go for you?” I thought it was the thing to ask – but now I see the process entirely differently. Now I see that to ask the actor how they did is to invite them to monitor their work as they were doing it – and that is a terrible place to go. How can I ever give myself fully to a project and through it all be a carping critic in the background making lists and lists of notes. Read more
Monthly Archives: November 2015
Read the Clues
The halls are alive with the sound of seniors trying to figure out where the h*** they should be going next year. They expect me to have the magic words that will tell them whether college or not is the right choice – and then IF college then theatre or not – and then IF theatre BA or BFA. Although all my suggestoins are spot on – or so I would wish – at times my crystal ball gets a bit clouded and I am not so able to see the future. BUT I don’t have to – the clues are all around you. Read more
November 9 and I Am Unhappy
There are days that try the spirit and days that make you begin to count the years until Drop and Retirement. This is one of those days. Parents won a one-sided battle today. The battle was not fair. One side of the story trumps another. Kicked but not bruised. Disappointed but not – and no where near discouraged. I love the kids. I question – at times – the parents they go home to – – I mean really, how much fun can they be. I could talk on and on – but tonight’s entry stays short. I pull back my words. I trust new, more hopeful, inspirational words will return tomorrow.
Tonight I watch COPS on TV. A guilty vice of mine. Tonight I offer no apology. I turn up the volume. I watch COPS!
NYC for a One Show Hit
I am heading off this weekend to NYC for a quick medical event (no big problem) and then grabbing a pair of freinds that have yet to taste of the Broadway pie. I LOVE going to NYC and LOVE seeing theatre there with people that are virgins to the entire experience. I get a chance to see everything anew. I will flipping back to for the weekend to review my one (sad face) show and will be back to the theatre class blogging on Monday. Best to you and your weekend!
BAD ADVICE!!!: Thinkers Will Be Punished
When watching Reality TV (and come on, you watch it) it is very difficult to feel sympathy for the super rich and super attractive. I mean, really, how rough can it be to loose your fifth Porsche or your third super model housekeeper?
In school it is often very had to find sympathy for the super smart. There are students who either have smart genes, a quick brain, or amazing luck at tests – these students sit at the front of the class and are loved by teachers – – but, yes, dear reader, there is a dark side to these academically gifted students. All too often they do not make the best actors. Read more