I am not sure about you, but sometimes when I am minutes away from rehearsal, I ask myself, “Do you know what the h*** you are
doing?” I know that I have been doing this for a few years, and I certainly know that I have had some marked success sprinkled with a few valiant failures. But in those minutes while the actors are completing their warm-up, I really do question my knowledge. Read more
Monthly Archives: February 2016
I Cannot Imagine
Not to be so whiney but I get a little low on steam half way through the 3-7pm rehearsals every night. Some of this I blame on age. Some I blame on the totally out of control temperature changes in the Blackbox. Read more
One Size Shoe Fits One Leg
In the world of “education-eze” we are constantly charged with creating “differentiated instruction” for the students – – in that everyone learns differently. I get that. It just makes common sense to me. I don’t know exactly why it has to have its own term and be the subject of speeches, activities and programming. I just call it good teaching – but I digress. Read more
Now to a Small Paintbrush
I have run into a very unusual challenge with my production of Shadow Box. I cannot remember any play from the past that shared a similar problem. For whatever reason, the cast to this production came to the audition with a vengeance. They had more than prepared for the play – they were hungry to do it. They were also willing to tip over the bucket of risk and put some pretty big emotions up there on the audition floor. I truly was stunned – – and mighty impressed.
Sitting Next to It
I almost never have a problem with behavior in the classroom. I take personal pride in being able to direct the students attention to the work at hand and away from the myriad of possible distractions. I believe that if I am doing my job of teaching then there will be NO time and NO interest in crosstalk and bad behavior. But today was different – either my teaching was not up to par today or rudeness was simply running rampant. Read more