Today went far beyond the “end of the year crazy”.” Today went far beyond the “seniors are so out of here.” Soon after I got set up in the class to begin the day, it all went bad. School bells would not be ringing today to minimize interruptions in testing. I get it. We would not be on the class scheduled that was set last Friday – nor the schedule of Saturday’s e-mail, but a new schedule that only some believed we were actually on – ???. I get it. Read more
Monthly Archives: May 2016
Roast Beef and Musical Theatre
In that I am a serious teacher of serious theatre and want only serious things to happen on stage. My students are always amazed that I attend anything related to musical theatre. They step back and ask me if I know that tonight’s show isn’t going to be more then just a lot of show tunes. I know. I like show tunes. I ain’t THAT dang serious. Read more
Eating Dessert in the Hall
Just as the year is drawing to a close the interest in setting productions for next year begins wake up. After the endless looking and re-looking at the calander and the survey of time, people and money – – it is time to put some show titles on the calander.
The plays I choose go on a fairly predictable cycle. One year the absurdist/experimental work, one year the blood and guts drama, one year the total cotton-candy silliness of a Feydeau farce. I had my Metamorphoses. I had my Shadow Box – and now I am ready for my Feydeau silliness. I liken it to having a bit of a bizzare appetizer (experimental theatre), a hearty meal (realistic drama) and now’s the time for dessert! Read more
What Do You Do Out There?
On the way to school today, I stopped by a gas station. While pumping away, I observed a woman – quite uptight and talking endlessly to herself. She was obviously preparing for a BIG day at work and working through all of the possible outcomes. She had her lunch, a coffee, lots of anxiety and a full tank of guess. She was ready for the day! Read more
Mind Rut
This testy and testing month of May is an artistic cesspool. All of the good energies and the good work ethic that was fblooming in April has assuradly died in May. Momentum and focus are out the window. Read more