Right after Matthew (the hurricane) came and went, it was my Birthday weekend, and I got to thinking – – perhaps I could sneak out to see a Friday night show and a Saturday matinee and still be back for work on Monday. And so I did. Happy Birthday to me! Check out my reviews for Falsettos and Heiseberg on www.nyctheatreaddict.com
Monthly Archives: October 2016
Sometimes It Just Feels Good
Today in Company we were all getting a bit restless as the skies were darkening and the Hurricane Mathew was working its way to Florida for what would become a 4-day weekend. Read more
Nibble Not Gulping
There was a time when I was directing that I would have these monster study sessions where I would sit down with the script and spend hours digging through the scripts and taking notes. This habit, I am sure, comes from graduate school in which we were given very little time to write a small encyclopedia about the play. For years, I thought this was the only way to do it. Unfortunately, the other habit that followed from grad school is the urge to procrastinate until the very last moment. I do not know how that made the project any more fun or effective, but old habits die hard. But that has changed. Read more
Ain’t Done Yet
Starring Matthew
It is Wednesday afternoon and we just got word that school is not going be happening for either Thursday or Friday. Hurricane Matthew is here and looking ugly. I guess the time has come to stop worrying about strategies to teach the difference between shape and gesture and relegate oneself to worry about staying alive and keeping one’s house planted on its foundation. Priorities . . priorities. Theatreclassaddict.com will be back in business on Monday – – God and Mr. Matthew willing.