The way I teach Theatre History is based on a LOT of group work. One of the challenges with each project is how to divid the 50+ kids into groups of 5-7. I always began by asking them to form their own groups. This worked well – – although Read more
Monthly Archives: November 2016
Spend Your Money
Recently, I have been having challenged in Theatre History with their limited imagination in designing projects of Expressionism and Fantasy. In each of these projects, I encourage them to start with the premise that they have a multimillion dollar budget to create their stage piece. A million dollars! Read more
Teacher Pain
I am very rarely ill. That certainly is proven by the many sick days that I have accumulated over the years. I always feel that I can brave through any ailment for the sake of making it to 3:30. Yesterday I should have broken this policy. I had severely strained my back on Sunday and I was a hurtin’ on a Monday! I was moving show, sitting down was extra difficult, and he brain was foggy from lack of sleep. Read more
Thanksgiving Yes
Thanksgiving Not!
If you leave that pile of clothes right there in the corner of the room, then they are not going to be there when you get back after the break. If that very expensive speaker that you brought for the project stays there hidden under your seat, then you are going to have one anger set of parents that are going to ask you, “Where is that speaker that we gave you last birthday?” And you will look through that book bag and say, “oops”. Read more