Reading a new play is so like a first date with someone. Whether the play is arranged, or was found simply walking down the street, it is a magical affair that happens only once. I never casually peek at a script. I never browse through it and demand that it give me a monologue only for me to then toss it to the side and move on. Read more
Monthly Archives: November 2016
Do As I Do – Not as I Say
Directing is one of the toughest classes to teach. Textbooks, exercises and play analysis only gets you so far. The very best way to learn directing, like so many of the arts, would be to actually get out there into theatres and shadow or apprentice a seasoned director. One can never plan all of the variable that might come up as a text meets actors. The made on paper is simple trash once the rehearsal starts. Read more
Relaxation is Much More Than Sleeping
I am beginning to introduce the idea of relaxation to Company. I am thinking that it is going to be a helpful transition from the very athletic world of Viewpoints to the sedentary, but very much alive world of Meisner work. Students often get the terms “relaxation” and “sleep” mixed up. Read more
She Hit It Out of the Park
I have a young lady in directing class who has consistently hit her scenes out of the ballpark. Each time, she seems to go further and further creating interesting connections between the actors, the text, and the space. The odd thing is – – is that I am not sure where she got all of this information to be successful. I would like to take the credit . . . Read more
Been Away Too Long
I am totally getting this social media thing. It is become my recent mission to seek down those students that once shared rehearsal halls with me. I want to see what time has done to all of that young enthusiasm, talent and possibility. Read more