Last night I got a rare treat to see one of my current students doing some acting work outside of the classroom. It is one thing to see the slow, steady progress of a student in the class – but an entirely different experience to see them up on stage – – directed by someone different – – with cast members that I do not know, telling a story that I didn’t choose. When it comes to community theatre – you often do not know what you are getting into . . . Read more
Monthly Archives: November 2016
All a Small World
I love to hear from former students! And the only thing that is better then hearing from former students is hearing from former students who are out there meeting other former students in the wild and wicked world of theatre. I asked for permission to showcase this recent letter from one of my students Katheryn Kuhn who years ago played Kimberly Bergalis in my production of Patient Zero. Read more
Almost Came to Blows
Little violence happens at an arts school. We do not have metal detectors and a posse of police officers patrolling the halls. We are fortunate. We really do get along – and, more than most other places, really respect differences and excited to work with “those not like us.” Certainly our student infractions are more likely PDA (public displays of affection) then anything close to harm or bullying. We are lucky, lucky, lucky. Read more
I Just Give Up
I had school today. I taught classes today – well, mostly. I did have to babysit almost two hours of picture taking for the department. I don’t know why it takes so long to get three rows of people to all face front and in the same frame. Move her. Move him. On and on. I may be prejudice, but it just seems like all theatre majors look the same . . . Read more
Now That Stung
I understand that you are not prepared for the test. This is a mighty busy month for our department and sometimes life just happens and things just don’t turn out like you had planned. I get it. It happens for me.
What should you have done? Read more