Daily Archives: April 26, 2017

Stuck and Keeping Quiet

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The end of this year has ended with a lot of chaos.  Seniors are making good choices and bad choices.  Students I depended upon have become less dependable.  I have had to recast parts in the midst of rehearsals.  The administration of the school is making some big changes – – and i have lots and LOTS of opinions about damn near everything.  The problem is – – I just don’t think this open-to-all blog is the best way for me to vent/discuss/explore my thoughts and feelings on these subjects.  I really don’t want to spend all of my working day “in the principal’s office.”  – – so I am stuck.  I keep my mouth shut.  I have not written for awhile.  I have missed you!  I think the best way out of this roadblock would be for me to let the last few weeks of this quarter slip on buy quietly.  Everyone’s toes around the school are just to tempting to step on – – and lord how they would scream.  I believe I want to make a clean new start of things in August 2017 as a new year begins.  I want to take the summer to explore just how I want to use this blog.  I love to create and explore the wonderful, weird of teaching theatre but I am just unsure of how to be honest to myself yet make it passable on this public web.

If any of you kind readers have ideas on what you think I should focus on – what you would enjoy reading about, then let me know.  Really!  Let me know!

I do know that once I retire in some six years or so – – I am going to write one hell of a theatre teaching blog where I will not hold back and no subject will be too sacred to through into the blog.

Till then, kind readers – see you in August 2017.