The Passing of the Guard

imagesMy production of Shadow Box has appropriately been put in the box and the box brought to the dumpster. That joyous responsibility for the year is passed. Now on to the future. My next plans are to direct my fourth production of a Feydeau farce. I just love this man and his silly, confectionary plays. Although they all have the same basic pieces of the philandering prominent man, the shrewish wife, the physically/mentally challenged friend, the desirable female and the not so desirable female – I just find them to be the perfect tool to learn the very challenging world of comedy.

To make my job a bit easier, I have decided to use my one hour lunchtime once a week to sit with a small group of students out in our wonderfully, ill-maintained alley behind the theatre and read it out loud. My goal is to read as many of these farces as I can to make my choice even easier this summer. Of course, the very smart actor has figured out that this would be a good investment of their lunch time. Might it help to have Higgins hear me read the roles for next year’s play? I think it might.

But the sad part is to watch my ever so talented and college bound seniors walk out into the alley on the the way to their lunch. They look at me and the small group of readers. Their first impulse is to jump into the center of the group and lap up all of the theatre – – but then they realize that this is the future at work – and they will not be a part of THIS future. So they put their tail between their legs and march on to a sad sack lunch. They miss the circle; I miss them – – the passing of the guard!

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One comment on “The Passing of the Guard
  1. Dana says:

    I’m sure it’s frustrating to see – but I guess this is what differentiates the ones who are truly passionate from the ones who just do good work.

    When you’re absolutely passionate – it IS you. You can’t help but to BE whatever it is you’re seeking to express. Not to say that rest times and breaks aren’t necessary. And sometimes, we need to take a step back.

    But unless you can’t help but to BE the thing you express, you don’t take advantage of opportunities that show up.

    But those who do I’m sure gain the rewards.

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