Theatre History is just beginning to present its Original Ritual Project. Students have been working on these projects in class for the past several classes for hours of independent work. During this working time, I try to be as unobtrusive as possible. I want them to feel they own the work. I want to let them make their mistakes and hit the creative walls and work their way back. Of course I have to make sure that they don’t break down the school walls, set off the fire alarms or burn down the theatre – (not that they would— this truly a committed hardworking group of students.
As I walk down the hall, one group always draws my attention. I am sure you have them in your class too. The minute I turn the corner to see this group, you can see them instantly stop sitting on the tables, instantly stop fixing each other’s hair, instantly hide the illegal potato chips, instantly engage in conversation right off the rubric – – as if they had never been off topic for a moment.
Well they HAD been off topic. They have been WAY off topic for quite a while. They have nothing on paper. No one has the lecture notes or project outline in their hands. No one is using their smart phone for ANYTHING remotely connected to this project. I advise them of the ever approaching deadline and the importance of this grade and the NEED TO STOP SITTING AND TALKING AND GETTING ON YOUR FEET AND ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING. And they all agree – until I round the next corner, of course.
But what is even more maddening then this is the fact that this group had the best project of all – and will likely always have a top product. HOW they have this quality product – I have no earthly idea. They SHOULD’T have this good of project. Really! But who am I to diagnose their process. They broke no laws or school codes. They stayed in the right place. No one was injured. And the work was mighty fine.
I personally cannot imagine ANY good work coming from a messy desk. My desk is emptied and dusted every morning before I start work. I can ONLY work from a clean desk. This group of students seem to be able to make good solid work from the messiest of desks. How, dear lord, how???