If you leave that pile of clothes right there in the corner of the room, then they are not going to be there when you get back after the break. If that very expensive speaker that you brought for the project stays there hidden under your seat, then you are going to have one anger set of parents that are going to ask you, “Where is that speaker that we gave you last birthday?” And you will look through that book bag and say, “oops”. AND where in the hell did that Coke can come from???? Do I need to stand at the door and frisk you for carbonated beverages as you enter the room? Would a metal detector let me know if you are sneaking in those non-water drinks? And I am NOT, I repeat NOT picking up that spiral notebook off of the floor. I will sweep it, trash it, but I will NOT be picking it up and NOT be rifling through the pages to find who it belongs to AND NOT tracking you down for it. And why one shoe? Where is shoe two?
My Thanksgiving wish is to have a giant lawn blower and blow out this Blackbox down to the very floor paint to get all of this **** out the door, down the street and out of my life! Happy Thanksgiving!