I have years and years of lesson plans for all of my classes on a terrific grading software Planbook.com. It has been my super best friend for keeping me organized and helping me get to all of my key deadlines. My bowser on my laptop almost opens to that site by default! But now what to do with all of those lessons and my $15 annual subscription? – – just one of those many things that I didn’t plan when I retired. I am thinking I could create a class that meets for eight hours each day (weekends and holidays included). I could enroll TWO students – my new toy poodles Cosette and Fantine. I am thinking I could create lessons like:
Avoiding Toilet Paper
Keeping Socks in the Drawer
Napkins are Not for Ripping
No One Loves a Lizard
Dead Frogs are for Biology Only
and, of course, the big semester exam (especially for these babies) would be Peeing and Pooping – Identifying the Right Place and the Wrong Place. Gosh, I hope they are good students!