She looked at the paper. She should never have looked at the paper. It was not her work, and she was going to pretend that it was her work. She was inviting trouble and much more then the low grade she was likely to get. I always have trouble when I catch students cheating on tests. I really am unsure how to present the problem – – do I become the heavy handed discipline who just writes them off – – or the more understanding give-them-a-second-chance kind of guy?
I so wanted for her to understand that she was not working out of integrity. I am not sure that she knew the concept. I am sure she knew – – at least I hope that she knew – the difference between right and wrong – but does she know what living in integrity is? This I am unsure. When we met – and clearly she knew she was busted. I could see that her first fear was that I was going to punish her. I am not sure that she thought I was going to do – – it certainly wasn’t going to be a spanking or an assault, or a list of repugnant deeds to do as recompense. Of course it wasn’t. I really didn’t feel like I NEEDED to punish her. I am thinking that living a life out of integrity will be pushing enough. It would be redundant to punish her. Let life take care of this uncomfortable event. It most assuredly will.
I did have to assure her that her grade was not in jeopardy. According to policy, cheating is a discipline issue and should not have an effect on her academics. I could not disagree more – – but I am obviously willing to work in the rule. The result to the student was going to be a bit of a slap on the hand and perhaps a few hours in detention – – neat, clean, and very doable. But the test – or a similar test – could be taken again. Would life be this forgiving.
But integrity??? How do I make a teenage girl own the value of her word and deed and realize that without integrity no achievement is going to mean a damn thing. Perhaps this is another issue that well minded adults will just never be able to get children to understand – perhaps the only mentor will be living life.
If I were in her shoes I sure hope that I would be able to hear from those older voices – – who had my best interests at heart. I hope I would learn the lesson of integrity without paying a price far beyond a silly test grade. Hopefully.