“I am so tired.” “I cannot get up in the morning.” “I have lost all interest in school.” “We’re not doing anything in class anyways.” “The show takes up all of my night.” “There is no way that I can get any homework done.” “Can I take a nap during class?” “Can I bring my blanket and a pillow and sleep in the hall?” “Can we call every day a senior skip day?” “Do I need to continue with respiration? – breathing is just too difficult.” “My arms are too tired. I can’t hold things – how can they expect me to hold things without arms?”
On and on it goes. Excuses become cockroaches. See one and before you know it you are seeing them under every crevice and corner. My favorite excuse is the one that goes, “I am so damn tired of school. I refuse to go to classes. School is going to get me nowhere!” Interesting that these very same students are so fixated on going to college, which, last time I checked is “school”. So let me get this straight – – you are HATING school and yet you want four more years of it? And you think that college will come without all of the favoritism, politics, and pointless bizarre rules? Think again baby!
If three shows a week are crippling you to the point that you carry a blanket with you looking for any unclaimed space – then I wish you GOOD LUCK trying to survive eight shows a week! And that’s if you make it.