It was so odd and somewhat scary to arrive at the airport today. I am breaking out of quarantine and making a trip to my childhood home of Brush, Colorado. New York was just impossibly locked up, and I thought I needed to go somewhere. I haven’t been to the airport in almost 9 months and it was apocalyptic. At the parking garage, the guard gave me a card and said that likely no one will be working to pick up people when I return and that I will need to text a number and hope—a giant garage and I was able to park in the very front. Eerie.
Then the actual airport and not a porter outside working for tips. Inside, the airlines seem compressed and each airline was using only a small piece of the long desk. Sad tired people worked this desk. Security was a breeze with so few and there was more attention to your mask wearing than the contents of your liquids zippy. And not the challenge on the plane: It was nice to have the middle seat free so all was not so cramped – BUT four hours in a mask. GOD AWFUL. I could never adjust it – – too high, too low. Terrible. Then I figured out a trick that would not fix this crazy – – I was going to eat the micro bag of Cheez-its and micro water for as LONG as I could. I made this little bag and little chip last for almost an hour of mask free eating.