T-minus 6 days and the teachers arrived.
Every theatre department has that group of a dozen students who eat, breath and live through the department. It is this group of students who think nothing of cleaning out a mighty stinky prop refrigerator (milk that has spent way too much time from the cow). They sweep the floor, stack the rehearsal furniture (that can still support weight), roll the cables and welcome more work as they do.
I call these young leaders the teachers. They are the ones set out to bring out the very best in we who are named teachers. They are the ones in charge. It is by serving them that we old folks truly learn our stuff. We teach to learn. They learn to teach – – and they learn quick!
These faces challenge me. I know I must meet the challenge they present. They come with their stack of questions – – and, as I have said in previous blog entries, my only hope is that they leave with a better stack of questions at the end.
Obviously they are graded in the final days of the class. But, here, in the front of the class, my final exam is given the first day of class! I do not want to let my room full of teachers down!