Throughout the years – ever since the beginning – different cultures, religions, and people have sought to wipe theatre off the face of the earth. For various reasons, they have banned it, litigated it, shamed it, hid it, transplanted it, contained and quarantined it. But for all of their efforts theatre was always able to sneak away and make a living somewhere else – and before anyone knew it – theatre was alive and kicking right in the middle of their community. Theatre was a bit of a cockroach. It just won’t die – try as you will.
Well, dear haters of theatre, I have found the perfect tool to kick Thespis right through its high school heart. If you really want to kill theatre in schools – forget the poison, the guns, the knifes and the javelins. The ultimate tool to kill theatre as it stands is – wait for it – standardized testing. Oh, the chills that run through my veins when I say these words. Nothing can so kill the creative world and the human soul as an afternoon dose of standardized testing.
I spent most of this afternoon, scrunched in the corner of the library watching a group of some 40 students stare at a laptop and read and click answer and read and click answer and read and click answer. It was painful. I watched their fire, uniqueness and desire to live crumble right in front of me. Art died; assessment lives!
And for me at the front of the class – I lack even the luxury of TAKING the test. Worse yet, I have to WATCH it. I must not read, or write, or sleep or create or dream or or or. I am to watch – just watch. Watch nothing, but watch. Watch and do nothing, just watch. If a list comes into my heard, a quick note, or a funny little chuckle climbs into my head, I stop it cold and mutilate it. I am not to be – – I am to watch. I read my “scripted directions” and I watch. I dream of reading the “required script” in a funny, personable, creative way – but no – – I read. I watch. I time. I stretch, but only for 90 seconds. Then I watch. I watch. I watch. Theatre – theatre in my brain has died. RIP
One comment on “Die Thespis Die”
I’ve heard about standardized testing. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the school system, but I know plenty of teachers who aren’t fond of it for the reasons you’ve mentioned.
In my humble opinion, education and creativity are to work hand in hand. If one interferes with the other, it creates an imbalance.
Well, all things decent stem from balance. It’s not a way for overall well-being, it’s THE way.
Creativity shows up when we’re open. When we’re stressed, tired or spent, the door is usually shut.
I’d like to think this will change sometime in the school system, but I have a feeling things won’t change until people decide to speak up. Glad to see you have.