Choosing a monologue can be likened to winning a lover/boyfriend/girlfriend into your world. The last thing you want to do is to see the first monologue that walks your way and decide there on the spot – before even asking their name – that THIS is the monologue that you will wed and spend lots and lots of time with. You will be identified by this monologue. You will bet introducing it to your family and friends as “yours.” You won’t have the option of getting bored – not with this one!
I suggest that you play the field. Pick up a monologue here and there. Ask others who they have dated. See whose got a good track record for dating. Date those that don’t immediately appeal to you – (they may hold the most promise for the future.) Get to know them, spend time with them – – but NO commitments.
Next step – and I don’t mean to be immoral with my metaphor – but you really need to sleep around with your monologue. Take it out on a weekend. Treat it to evening of intimate imaginative fooling around. Write it a love letter; sing it a song. Take to bed. Of corse, you can’t spend all of your life sleeping around (what will all the other actors say!) See what its feels like to wake up with it in the cold, glaring light of the morning. See your monologue with out all the makeup and glamour lighting. Now is it worth it?
When the time comes – and you will know when – you will propose. Ceremonies will be performed. Relatives will cry. You will be nervous – – but you will off to your honeymoon and soon to the day-to-day of married living. Days ahead may be rough, but with a good monologue it is worth the wait. Nothing worth waiting for comes easy.