I always told the students that the difference between them and me (other than the obvious signs of aging) was NOT that I knew more than they did. It is not that I knew more answers than they did. What makes me different – what makes me the teacher with the big desk in front of the room – is that I KNOW BETTER QUESTIONS than they did. Over my years I just lost interest in teaching for the answer. I mean if you really wanted an answer as to who wrote Oedipus Rex you could just Google it. I mean WHAT answer is NOT available on Google. But the one thing that Google does not have is QUESTIONS.And it is my belief that it is the student that is going to ask the best of questions that is going to cure cancer, end Alzheimer’s, write the great American novel, and take dramatic literature to the next level is going to start by mastering the art of question making. Questions matter! Answers are useless. Answers are already out there to be searched, or they have changed over time – – but questions are never outdated. Teachers please stop grading the answers that students ask and start grading the quality and imagination of the QUESTIONS they ask. If the evaluation can be reduced to a choice of A, B, C, D or All of the Above – – then the time spent in study was worth nothing.
Grade the Questions
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