At the very moment that I opened this Bloggo program on my Mac to get a workin’ on tonight’s blog, my computer went “bing.” Of course, it goes “bing” for a hundred and one reasons so I had to look through all of the icons to see if any were wigglin’ or blinkin’. Then I found it. I just received a Facebook message from a wonderful student attending Carnegie Melon. He was so gracious and said that he ppreciated my theatre history class in that it made him so well prepared for theatre history in college. He even captured what, I guess, is one of my signature phrases as I discuss plays, “Imma thinkin”
It is interesting that the entire basis of my relationship with this students was the sheer love of reading plays. He LOVED plays. He wanted plays as gifts. He traded plays almost like a black market at schools. He cherished having whole collections by a favorite author (William Eno) to name but one. He may have even been behind the theft of a play. Who knows how deep and diabolical this love of plays went!
This has been a terrific week to be a teacher. First as a previous post mentioned I have a student with amazing commercial success as an actor. He included me in that success! How wonderful is this. And now, tonight, I have a student in the midst of his tumultuous college years reaching out in the middle of a school week to thank me for what went down in the classroom?!?!
Double blessed for sure!