Today began with a most exciting trip. I needed a new belt and thought I would drive to the local Stein Mart that was going out of business. I found the belt I wanted – no problem – but as I headed to the cashier the thought of “Last Time” hit me hard. My mind started with, “This will be LAST belt I will ever need to buy.” Wow! Then my mortality springs went into action, and I thought that I am now driving the last car I will ever buy to the last house house I will ever buy to watch the last TV I will ever buy. It just made sense.
Don’t I have enough shirts built up to never need another shirt again. Why would I ever need a new tie or a new pair of shoes? After all, I am not THAT rough on clothes. On the good side, I thought, this will save me a whole lot of money on the budget – but on the down side, was I really “packing it in?” Did my future look full of the used and not the new? A ready answer did not come to me. This dilemma will take a glass of wine to solve. But, just in case, I did put a pair of twenty dollar bills aside in case I ate too much and needed a new swimsuit.