This testy and testing month of May is an artistic cesspool. All of the good energies and the good work ethic that was fblooming in April has assuradly died in May. Momentum and focus are out the window. AND I don’t blame the kids. It’s not that they lack the focus or passion to stay to the end. It is the broken classes, endless testing, and the need to report to places NOT for learning but just for a “holding until released.” I don’t blame them. Likely, I would be looking for SOME way to misbehave.
I keep thinking that there is someway we can beat the requirements of the state and local boards of education that want us to simply lie down and test the s*** out of everyone for a month. I walk around the building holding a play high above my head and see if any stray sheep are attracted to the idea of reading a play but all of the testing has made them lazy, lazy sheep that are unwilling to walk across the street for a good time – sad, lazy sheep.
I have walked the campus with my play above my head. I have attracted a few hellos but no followers. I head back to my office. I grab a few bookends. I put the play there. I must proctor soon – the end is near.