On the day that I drove to the school board to complete all the paperwork necessary to retire, I was a mess. I knew I was the right age, had turned in the correct number of years, had my savings all lined up – but I was a mess. I was such a mess that I didn’t even eat my breakfast. Admittedly, it got very emotional as I was racing to throw all of the papers I could imagine necessary into my book bag and rush out the door. Before I hit the door, however, I did have enough presence of mind to grab a muffin from the counter and hurry off to the car. As my mind was racing one hundred thoughts a minute – – as to whether this was the best choice or not – should I just back out – – am I making the wrong decision at the wrong time – – –
I broke my own rule about eating in the car and reached over to eat the muffin. AND it just came apart in my hands. Crumbs were pouring over my lap, into the seat, into even the passenger seat and all over the floor. Well, I got my job done at the school board building and am assured that I made the right move at the right time. But since that day I have been driving my car around with muffin crumbles everywhere . . . Still holding on, I guess – but today, I just decided to stop by a carwash and take care of business. It too was the right decision at the right time.