One Size Shoe Fits One Leg

imagesIn the world of “education-eze” we are constantly charged with creating “differentiated instruction” for the students – – in that everyone learns differently. I get that. It just makes common sense to me. I don’t know exactly why it has to have its own term and be the subject of speeches, activities and programming. I just call it good teaching – but I digress. AND I am unsure how they can justify “differentiated learning” when they are wanting them all to move to standardized evaluation. Seems like a problem to me – – but I double digress.

My point: directing the play is the most “differentiated activity” I practice in teaching. When given a new cast it takes a good week or so to figure out how everyone in the room works and how best to communicate your ideas to them. Does this person work best with a well worded speech? Does this person need a demonstration? Does the person need some kind of activity for kinesthetic learning or a textbook to move forward? I have never found an easy answer for this. It is usually about hitting a few hundred walls of frustration wondering why in the world is this actor being so dang obstinate. This becomes even tougher when you are directing a couple or pair of actors playing two friends, husband and wife, or two lovers. The trick that works with one is sometimes not the best trick to work with the other. THEN, what do you do? I am thinking that’s the time you get out the rehearsal schedule and squeeze in just a few more hours.

Don’t send me off to a teacher workshop on “differentiated learning”! I got your “differentiated” until 7pm every night!

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4 comments on “One Size Shoe Fits One Leg
  1. Andrea Robinson says:

    Oh, my gosh, that made me laugh!!

    Yeah, we get it!!! Anyone in the creative arts (especially acting!) gets it, because we’ve tried to get through to people and will LITERALLY put on hats and jump through hoops to show them what we’re trying to say. At the same time, on an exaggerated level compared to a lot of other subjects, we know we can’t force anything on them or we’ll completely snuff out the creative spark and willingness to put forth an authentic performance. It’s especially trick IMHO.

    But acting is communication, after all. Sometimes it’s amazing that the rest of the world is just now realizing that not everyone can be reached using the same technique.

    By and large, I think teachers in general get it a lot more than most bosses. When I’m working under someone who gets it, and is willing to drill down on my own particular quirks in receptivity, it’s a huge gift and one that I hope I’m passing on to others now. 🙂

  2. LilyJane says:

    Andrea is right – that sounds funny 😀 I think every teacher needs to be creative and openminded and that’s why teacher’s work is so hard and difficult. I like that nowadays teachers are more valuated than 5 years ago, well, in my country it is, I don’t know what’s the situation in USA (I’m from Europe).

  3. Brian Hansen says:

    Very good point. It must be very hard for a teacher to be able to teach one topic to many students at the same time when they all learn differently. I have always been amazed that teachers can capture the students minds when there are so many other things to have on their minds at the early stages of adult hood.

  4. Dana says:

    I may hold an unpopular opinion here, but I think the education system tries too hard to make everyone learn the same way – and here…none of us are the same.

    This is what I pick up from your post –
    You’re in an environment (the school system) that encourages sameness. But in your field, everyone’s uniqueness has to come out. So how do you teach sameness to individuals who are displaying uniqueness?

    I would have to say that communication and strategy are the keys. I can only hope that in your craft, you’re encouraged to teach as you see fit. It’s obvious that you’re passionate about what you’re doing and you aren’t in it for the job security of being in the school system.

    This is your passion.

    So perhaps, continue with your own style and encourage open communication with those who also want to do things their way.

    In life, us humans will benefit from being our own individuals, but doing so with co-operation being the main goal.

    The “we all win” mindset.

    That’s my take.

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