Open Invitation to Company I

UnknownI would certainly like to dedicate this one post to the wonderful young artists that I have come to know in Company I. This was a new class and a new adventure for me – and certainly a labor of love. We had some mighty fine days in Company and some I am still processing. How wonderful, at my age, to still keep exploring this wonderful thing called teaching theatre.

I would love to invite all who were part of Company I to add their thoughts below as feedback. It will be a great treat for me, in the future, to refer back to the forefathers of this experiment, Company I

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One comment on “Open Invitation to Company I
  1. Preston says:

    Company was an absolutely eye opening experience for not only me, but for everyone in Class 1. For 3 years of high school acting, we were thrown scents from renowned plays and told to memorize and perform, and memorize another scene and perform, and another, and another, and another. Yet, there was very little benefit in this. You became a machine instead of an artist. However, this year through this class, we all learned that acting is an art of many different shades and varieties, with countless approaches to emotional release and endurance. Viewpoints, Meisner, “Authentic” projects, and checking-in all allowed us to be truly free from the right and wrong that ties us down to regular school and academics. We learned that art is forgiving and can morph into an entirely different beast, given enough time. Also, most importantly, we all learned that the Theatre is a home and we are the family, the Company, that dwells inside it.

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