Last night I got a rare treat to see one of my current students doing some acting work outside of the classroom. It is one thing to see the slow, steady progress of a student in the class – but an entirely different experience to see them up on stage – – directed by someone different – – with cast members that I do not know, telling a story that I didn’t choose. When it comes to community theatre – you often do not know what you are getting into . . .
This young man was terrific. We have spent so much time in class focused on communion and simple listening on stage. In fact, we had been spending so MUCH time on this I wasn’t sure if it was going to translate into actually doing plays and scripts. I don’t know if I can take any credit for his work – but his ability to stay with his partner in silence and his ability to process what was happening as it was unfolding was superlative. I could not be more proud of him. Much of his character is built on his ability to flirt and win people over to doing things they never wanted to do. I bought him as a flirt. The words became extraneous (as they often are in good plays). He sailed.
I get a very odd sense of pride at these moments. I am never sure how I helped in his journey? I am not sure if he would have ended up in the very same place without me – -but tonight it doesn’t matter. I am a proud “theatre daddy.”