I think that every serious theatre program in the country has got to deal with the dilemma of process and product. Too many – way too many programs spend the entire school year cranking out play after play after play. I guess they feel that in doing the so many performances, the actor is learning the art. I disagree. Too much production at the secondary level simply sets bad habits in the student. Unfortunately, they learn to crank it out and play to the audience. Sure it is fun to have the families come in with their bunches of grocery store flowers and shower adoration over them. And if it is all about seeking approval and funding a program that can crank out even MORE plays then this is the right path. I differ.
I find that much more is learned in the acting classroom – NOT cranking out scenes and monologues but really breaking the work of the actor down and focusing on process – with NO audience in site. Now you are not instilling bad habits – now you are giving the serious student a perfect launching ground to pursue acting in college and in the professional world. In all my years teaching, colleges are much less impressed by the SHOWS that the student did, but the classroom TRAINING that they received! Of course, it is all about balance – but come on folks do one less production and get your butts into a good acting class.