I am beginning to introduce the idea of relaxation to Company. I am thinking that it is going to be a helpful transition from the very athletic world of Viewpoints to the sedentary, but very much alive world of Meisner work. Students often get the terms “relaxation” and “sleep” mixed up. When the student wants to relax they think that they need to crawl into a bed or curl up in a couch to nap away the time.I try to share with them that relaxation is best done wide awake. By finding stillness in their spirit and being present to their breath, they can find a creative tranquility that will out-last and out-serve any possible nap they can take. The project is not easy. Once I get the actors fully warmed up and stretched out and we hit the mats and begin to close eyes, students tend to drift off – some even snoring. It takes a bit of practice to be fully awake and able to listen and flex the imagination while the body is still and supported on the ground.But once I can get this done with the class, and they can experience what it is like to be fully awake and laying still on the ground, they are never content with just a nap again.
Relaxation is Much More Than Sleeping
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