“Don’t ignore the silences” is something said by every high school theatre teacher and director. Students too often think that playmaking is a speed contest in which the one who can get through their lines the fastest is the winner. I guess the thought could be that if they paused they might forget all of their lines. Now if THAT is the problem, then their work has even bigger problems!!! Certainly in the lines – in those decisions and discoveries – lies the most interesting part of the story. Without this being tended to, one might as well stay home and READ the play. I also think that, as in life, silence is the one place that escapes lying. . You can lie all you want to with words – in fact most of speaking is about hiding from the truth and not revealing it. BUT silence cannot lie. It is in silence that truth lies. Truth in life – truth on stage – all remain silent. So show me – don’t tell me!
Silence Cannot Lie
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