Books dominated my life as a teacher. No matter how digital or high tech I got, it was a bunch of books that got me through my degrees and a bunch of books that helped me move through my days teaching. Certainly play scripts are the last thing to go digital (sadly this may not last) and all plays come in paper – lots and lots of paper. But now I stand here at retirement looking at over 12 cases of books. Most of them are individual play scripts that I have collected over the years. Every trip to NYC or to London added a few to the collection.
I can trace my interest and career in these books, from an autographed copy of On Golden Pond by Henry Fonda to the latest British import, The Inheritance. I have it all. But now what to do with it? I had thought of donating them – but they are my prized babies, and I don’t want them to end up in some teachers broken bookcase for all to look at, highlight, mark, and leave at home. I want to find a safe place for them – a place that will respect them and preserve them as much as possible. I would love for these plays to stick around for a few years and give others as much as they gave me.