I am very rarely ill. That certainly is proven by the many sick days that I have accumulated over the years. I always feel that I can brave through any ailment for the sake of making it to 3:30. Yesterday I should have broken this policy. I had severely strained my back on Sunday and I was a hurtin’ on a Monday! I was moving show, sitting down was extra difficult, and he brain was foggy from lack of sleep.Teaching was no fun this day. I was grumpy and short with students. I was not enjoying the fun, playful, irreverent world of high school theatre majors. I did all I could to work through quiet, focused and restrained work that still moved the lesson forward. I tried to get comfortable behind the desk but that was a challenge.
My thought for the day? I cannot imagine being a teacher that does not love his class, much less teaching, and much much less teenagers in general. The day must go sooooooo slow and be sooooo uncomfortable. It must be like going to school EVERY day with a back problem. I cannot imagine being a student in one of those classes every day.
Thanks god this (I hope) is going to be a one day set back for me.