The End is Written

Another tool I used to explore play analysis was to use another experience I had observed from real life: I can tell you exactly the circumstances of any breakup that you have in life. Pretty heady claim – right? But my theory is that the breakup is written in the first moment that you meet him/her. You may never HAVE that breakup (hopefully), but if it does happen, I can predict the reason. You will break up with someone for the very reason that you were attracted to them. For example, if you are attracted to some guy because he is so outgoing and loved by so many friends, the thing that will drive you to the breakup is his very outgoingness and gregariousness. It began as THE attraction and now turns the blade and becomes the reason for the breakup. I apply this life observation to play analysis. I asked students to look at the moment a fictional relationship begins, identify the chemistry of this creation, and watch it play out to become the reason it ends. Try it; you would be amazed how many times it works.

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