One of the true gifts of teaching is the opportunity to become a mentor. These students are so racing through the doors from entrance to exit of high school that there is barely time to learn their names let alone be certain you have had any impact with them. Mentoring is a way, at least for me, to slow the pace down a bit, grab a student off the treadmill and have some one-on-one time. I find that the most valuable part of mentoring is to connect the work they are doing in the classroom with the work that they are doing in thier life (a work of getting to know themself, working to see their image in the mirror, and do some serious dreaming about the future). Mentoring is a way of moving into this track WITH them.
Sometimes this mentoring involves a swift kick – sometimes a bit of encouragement – but always a legacy. I know that when it comes down to it, my role in their life will be forgotten and replaced time and time again by new mentors and perhaps even better mentors – but that does not take away from my pride of doing a good job. This world of high school and experience found in 20+ years of teaching will never be the anwser they are looking for – – they will not hear my words. One never really listens to the old – but it is still nice to hear the lilt of their voice. It feels comfortable.
If I can read a bit of their tea leaves, caution about a few of their falls, celebrate a victory or two and just let them sit with me and breath. Just breath – then my gift to them is done. And where is my gift back? A polite thank you at the door – – a wave from the graduation risers – and a kind thought years later. I have won.