Audition Date is here. Normally I am the least attended audition of the year. I attribute this to being late in the year when academics are making their biggest crunch. t could be that I require a memorized prepared scene – which chases away the procrastinators. Maybe they just don’t like me. Frowny face. Sometimes I attribute this to actor’s who have gone through a full year of classes and auditions and have yet to be cast. It is sad and regrettable that they have rather give up on the year. If they only knew that success and casting might just be around the corner. They certainly aren’t going to make any progress if they don’t even give it a try!
What warms my spirit is how many freshman do come out and audition. Even at their young age they know that seniority plays a role and that obviously seniors who have almost four years of training under their belt are likely to show better – I mean theySHOULD be showing better or we as a faculty are doing something very, very wrong! The great thing about freshman is that they realize the odds are stacked a bit against them for THIS audition – but, but, but – they are so smart to get their name tossed in the arena and demonstrate what a hard worker they are and how passionate they feel about this field. They sense they are auditioning for shows some two to three years away when they are upperclassmen – and they are so right!
Although acting is all about living and working in the present, smart actors realize that in the BUSINESS of acting they must always be working for the future. Who knows when the right chemistry of play, director and place are all going to come together in their favor.? I say it every day, “AUDITION FOR EVERY DANG SHOW YOU CAN.” Life and chance work in some very mysterious ways!