I have a reoccurring nightmare that I am about to graduate school – perhaps high school/perhaps college and I have no idea what I am going to do. I find myself rifling through course catalogues trying to find some other major – some other courses that I could take to stave off this future emptiness. I really do spend those early alarm clock moments afraid that I really have to get on the correct career path or life is going to pass me by. In my dream I stand looking out of a dorm window watching everyone cram all of their possessions into the back of their cars and whisk off to the adult world. I am alone in the dorm. I hide out in the laundry room. I am afraid they are going to change my dorm room lock. I have made a mess of my collegiate years. I got to get a career – got to get a job.
Then the snooze alarm goes off for the last time and I realize that I have literally been in school for 51 years and have really yet to leave. School is getting to me.